All tours now online!
Hosted virtually by UT AgResearch
Please note: Faculty members represent the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture unless otherwise noted.
TOUR A: No-Till Basics
As the title says, this tour is for those wanting to learn the basic principles of no-till crop production. Though intended for those who are not currently practicing no-till production, experienced no-tillers may still pick up a pointer or two. The information provided will attempt to explain the basics of no-till planter components, settings, and adjustments. Information on weed and insect control also will be available. Participants will be able to view plots that show what happens when a field is worked too wet or planted too wet and see what effect crop residue has on planting conditions. Our goal is to answer your questions related to beginning no-till production.
No-Till Basics
Richard Buntin, Retired
UT Extension Crockett County
Greg Allen
UT Extension Lake County
Jake Mallard
UT Extension Madison County
Setting Up the Planter
William Hart
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Darol Copley, Retired
Senior Farm Crew Leader
AgResearch and Education Center at Milan
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour B: No-Till Corn Production
Effective Use of Poultry Litter in Corn
Shawn Hawkins
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Benefits of Bt Technology to Corn Producers
Scott Stewart
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Identifying Corn Ear Rots and Managing Mycotoxins
Heather Kelly
Associate Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Best Management Practices When Storing Grain for Longer Periods
Sam McNeill
Extension Professor
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
University of Kentucky
To receive pesticide recertification or CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour C: No-Till Soybean Production
Soybean Management by Maturity Group
Angela McClure
Department of Plant Sciences
Keeping Fungicide Resistance in Check
Elias Zuchelli
MS Candidate
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Ty Smith
PhD Candidate
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Heather Kelly
Associate Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
New Weed Control Programs in Soybeans
Larry Steckel
Department of Plant Sciences
Heligen Technology for Soybean Insect Management
Scott Graham
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Auburn University
What’s This Bug in My Beans?
Sandy Steckel
Extension Assistant
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
To receive pesticide recertification or CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour D: Soybean Breeding
Improving Soybeans for Tennessee and the Mid-South Region
Vince Pantalone
Department of Plant Sciences
Chris Wyman
Research Associate
Department of Plant Sciences
Developing Soybeans in West Tennessee for Improved Resistance to Cyst Nematode
Lisa Fritz
Biological Science Technician USDA-ARS
Prakash Arelli
Supervisory Research Geneticist USDA-ARS
Adjunct Professor, Department of Plant Sciences
Charcoal Rot Resistant Lines Identified from Germplasms with Known Resistance to Cyst Nematode
Jason Deffenbaugh
Biological Science Technician USDA-ARS
Alemu Mengistu
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA-ARS, Jackson, Tennessee
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour E: No-Till Cotton Production in Tennessee
Harvest Aid Considerations
Seth Byrd
Cotton Specialist
Oklahoma State University
Grass Weed Management in Cotton
Larry Steckel
Department of Plant Sciences
Current and Imminent GMO Technologies for Insect Management in Cotton
Scott Stewart
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Seedling and Foliar Diseases of Cotton
Shelly Pate
PhD Student
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Ty Smith
PhD Student
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Heather Kelly
Associate Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Terminating and Managing Cover Crops for Cotton Production
Tyson Raper
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
To receive pesticide recertification or CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour F: Soil Fertility
Minimizing the Risks of Nitrogen Loss from Surface Applied Urea-based Fertilizers and Improving Corn Yield Using Nitrogen Stabilizers
Nutifafa Adotey
Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Debasish Saha
Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Corn Silage Nitrogen Agronomics and Mineral Nutrient Removal Rates
Shawn Hawkins
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Soil Sampling Strategies and Nutrient Management
Robert Florence
Lab Director
UT Soil, Plant and Pest Center
Grain Health Related to Heavy Metals after Long-term Chicken Litter Application
Frank Yin
Associate Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Sangeeta Bansal
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Plant Sciences
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour G: Cover Crops with No-Till
2020 Cover Crop Variety Trial Results
Virginia Sykes
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Alex Wilson
Research Associate
Department of Plant Sciences
Impacts of Cover Crops on Cotton Yield Stability in West Tennessee
Jaehoon Lee
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Amin Nouri
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Can Cover Crops Cause Allelopathic Effects on Soybean Germination?
Avat Shekoofa
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Kendall Sheldon
Research Associate/MS Student
Department of Plant Sciences
Impact of Cover Crops on Soil Infiltration Rates
Forbes Walker
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Adam Zimmerman
MS Student
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour H: Soil Health
Understanding Soil: The Basics
Forbes Walker
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Neal S. Eash
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Life Beneath Your Feet: Soil Biology and Soil Health
Jennifer DeBruyn
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Soil Health Tests: Challenges and Opportunities for Tennessee
Sindhu Jagadamma
Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Surendra Singh
PhD Student
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Soil Management Practices to Improve Soil Health
Forbes Walker
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Neal S. Eash
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour I: Water Management
Drought Adaptation in Soybean to Protect Yield
Avat Shekoofa
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Sam Purdom
MS Student
Department of Plant Sciences
Irrigation Resources and Sensor Systems Available in Tennessee
Brian G. Leib
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Avat Shekoofa
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Josh German
Extension Agent
UT Extension Hardeman County
Runoff and Nutrient Transport When Transitioning to Conservation Management in Furrow-Irrigated Corn
Drew Gholson
Assistant Professor and Irrigation Specialist
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Mississippi State University
Dave Spencer
PhD Student and Research Associate
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Mississippi State University
Benefits of Drainage: Alleviating Waterlogging and Drought
Jeff Lannom
UT Extension Weakley County
Brian G. Leib
Associate Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Neal S. Eash
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Bonus Material: Results of Water Sensor Study
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour J: Pollinators in Agriculture
Understanding the Importance of Pollinators in Agriculture and Beyond
Jennifer Tsuruda
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Opportunities for Establishing Pollinator Habitat
Michael McCord
Wildlife Habitat Biologist
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
Resources and Strategies to Reduce the Negative Effects of Pesticides on Pollinators
Scott Stewart
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
To receive pesticide recertification or CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour K: Precision Agriculture
On-Farm GPS Basics
Lori Duncan
Ag Sustainability Specialist
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Soil Sampling for Precision Nutrient Management
Josh McGrath
Associate Professor and Soil Management Specialist
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
University of Kentucky
The Importance of the Planter Depth and Downforce Relationship
Wes Porter
Associate Professor and Precision Ag Specialist
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Georgia
Farming for the Future: Autonomous Tractors and Agricultural Robots
Hao Gan
Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour L: Beef — Back to the Basics
Annual Cow Evaluation
Lew Strickland
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science & UTCVM Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Justin Rhinehart
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science
Low-Stress Cattle handling
Kevin Thompson
Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center
Manage Stubble Height to Increase Persistence
Gary Bates
Professor and Director
UT Beef and Forage Center
Pasture Weed Management Update
Neil Rhodes
Department of Plant Sciences
John Wilson
UT Extension Blount County
Tour M: Trade, Farm Policy, and Production Economics
Trade Outlook: Impacts of COVID-19 and the Phase I Trade Agreement
Andrew Muhammad
Blasingame Chair of Excellence
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Economics of Using Poultry Litter in Crop Production for West Tennessee Producers
Charley Martinez
Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Farm Management Considerations for Row Crop Producers
Chris Boyer
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Farm Policy: Federal Program Payments to Tennessee Crop Producers
Aaron Smith
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour N: Natural Resources
An Update of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) of Deer in Tennessee
Dan Grove
UT Extension Wildlife Health Specialist and Wildlife Veterinarian
Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
Managing for High Quality White Oaks
David Mercker
Extension Forestry Specialist
Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
Forestry and Wildlife Opportunities in the USDA Programs
Mike Hansbrough
Tennessee Area Resource Biologist
Natural Resource Conservation Service
Identifying and Managing Those Pesky Pond Weeds
Justin Hargrove
Western Region Fisheries Responder
UT Extension
To receive CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour O: Hemp IPM and Production Considerations
Hemp Pests and Diseases
Zachariah Hansen
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Heather Kelly
Associate Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Madison Cartwright
MS Student
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
2019 Hemp Variety Trial Update
Zachariah Hansen
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Virginia Sykes
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
Hemp Economics and 2020 Outlook
Iris Cui
Extension Area Specialist, Farm Management
UT Extension Montgomery County
Aaron Smith
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
To receive pesticide recertification or CCA credit for this tour, you must watch all videos in the tour playlist, and complete the online quiz here. The password for accessing the quiz is included in the tour videos.
Tour P: TN AgrAbility: Improving Agriculture, Improving Lives
TN AgrAbility Project
Eileen Legault
Eastern Region Area Specialist for AgrAbility
UT Extension
Joetta T. White
Western Region Area Specialist for AgrAbility
UT Extension
Troy Dugger
TN AgrAbility Project Director
Center for Profitable Agriculture Program Coordinator
Revive Your Green Thumbs!
Karla Kean
TSU Extension Agent III
Montgomery County Horticulture/Small Farms
Finis Stribling
TSU Area Extension Specialist
TSU AgrAbility Project Director
Reduced Work Cattle Working
Philip Shelby
Agriculture Agent
UT Extension Gibson County
Handy Dandy Hand Tools – Making Work Easier for You
Troy Dugger
TN AgrAbility Project Director
Center for Profitable Agriculture Program Coordinator
Joetta T. White
Western Region Area Specialist for AgrAbility
UT Extension
Life, Death and Reality: Safety First and Enjoy Life!
Dale Dobson
Kentucky Department of Agriculture Safety Administrator
Division of Agricultural Education and Outreach
Brian Robinson
State Training Coordinator
TN Association of Rescue Squads
Tennessee’s Farmer Veterans: The Next Mission
Ron Bridges
Organizing Chair
Farmer Veteran Coalition of TN
James Artman
East TN Representative
Farmer Veteran Coalition of TN
Eileen Legault
Eastern Region Area Specialist for AgrAbility
UT Extension