Please join us for the University of Tennessee Milan No-Till Crop Production Field Day, July 25, 2024.
Hosted by UT AgResearch
UT AgResearch and Education Center at Milan
3A Ledbetter Gate Road
Milan, TN 38358
A Message from Center Director Blake Brown
Since 1981, the Milan No-Till Field Day has hosted visitors from across the country and around the world to the largest field day in the nation dedicated to conservation tillage. In the beginning, we demonstrated how to “no-till,” and basic tours on planter setup and weed control were available. Since those early years, the field day has progressed to include not only no-till basics but also to show producers how to incorporate the latest technologies into a no-till system.
One constant through the years has been the staff, both present and past, of the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan, and none of the thirty-three No-Till Field Days would have been possible without them. We have the privilege of working daily with some of the finest agricultural scientists in the world, but the behind-the-scenes efforts of our staff make the research program possible. They are a dedicated group of individuals who have a passion for agricultural research, doing the job right, and producing the very best data possible for our producers who utilize this information. Please allow me to introduce our staff to you and publicly thank them for the great job they do! The current staff of the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan includes:

Jason Williams, Research Associate, 28 years of service
Ben Jakubowski, Museum Guide, 5 years of service
Jordan Lasater, Sr. Plot Caretaker, 5 years of service
LesLee Smelser, Administrative Assistant, 8 years of service
Joey Duncan, Sr. Plot Caretaker, 4 years of service
Blake Smith, Sr. Plot Caretaker, 6 years of service
Bryan Garren, Research Assistant, 3 years of service
Allie Wagster, Administrative Assistant, 39 years of service
Chad Hicks, Sr. Farm Crew Leader, 23 years of service
Blake Brown, Director, 26 years of service
We appreciate your attendance and interest today at the nation’s largest field day devoted to no-tillage crop production. We hope that you will learn techniques for increasing production, reducing expenses, and improving marketing skills or increasing the efficiency of your crop production operation.
We sincerely appreciate the support of the Milan community and all of its assistance with making this event a success since 1981.
The final pages of the program describes the amenities available during the activities and include a map of the field day site. Please let us know if we can assist you. It is our desire that you have an educational and enjoyable visit to the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. Thank you for being one of the thousands to visit the nation’s largest No-Till Field Day!
Blake A. Brown
Center Director
UT AgResearch Leadership
Hongwei Xin, Dean
Timothy Rials, Associate Dean
Barry Sims, Executive Director
Blake A. Brown, Research Center Director

Special thanks to UT Martin students Zaria Creighton and Moriah Freeman for their designs of the field day logos for this program, the field day caps, respectively.
Field Day Activities
AgResearch and Education Center at Milan Research Tours
This year, 15 research tours will be featured. Tours will start at 8:00 a.m. CDT, Thursday, July 25. The final tours of the day will start no later than 12:00 p.m. Tours are 1 hour in length.
NOTE: Those desiring to take several tours should plan to arrive early. Complete descriptions of tours and tour stops begin on page 7 of your Program.
AgResearch and Education Center at Milan Overview Tour
Visitors to the Milan No-Till Field Day are invited to participate in the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan Overview Tour for a brief introduction to UT AgResearch. Participants will be given a tour of the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. Various research projects along the tour route will be described. Participants will board the Overview Tour Trailers on the east side of the exhibit area and south of the West Tennessee Museum. This tour will last approximately 20 minutes and will be provided continuously throughout the day. Tours will be available from 8:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m.
West Tennessee Agricultural Museum
The West Tennessee Agricultural Museum will be open throughout the No-Till Field Day events between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Large displays of antique farm equipment and tools used by early West Tennessee settlers are featured. The museum is located on the field day site. Admission is free.
Point Signup and Recertification Requirements for Commercial Applicators
Individuals who currently have a valid commercial applicator certification card must accumulate credit (points) during the three-year certification cycle to retain their certification into the next certification cycle. For more information concerning point requirements, please visit psep.tennessee.edu.
Tennessee’s Pesticide Coordinator has requested recertification points for categories listed in the following table.
Tour | C1 | C10 | C12 |
Tour A | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour B | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour C | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour D | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour E | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour F | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tour O | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Commercial pesticide applicators MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION WITH YOUR CERTIFICATION NUMBER at the tent where the tour is held to obtain credit.
Rosters containing attendee information will be forwarded to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture so attendees may receive recertification credit.
Certified Crop Adviser Program Continuing Education Units
The Tennessee Certified Crop Advisor Board has requested the following Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.5 nutrient management, 1.5 soil and water management, 8.5 crop management, 2.5 integrated pest management, and 1.0 Professional Development. According to information available on the International CCA Program website, Tennessee approved CEUs are recognized by local boards in all states.
Nutrient management CEUs are available on Tours A and N; soil and water management CEUs are available on Tours G and L; crop management CEUs are available on Tours B, C, F, H, I, J, K, L, and O; integrated pest management CEUs are available on Tours A, D, and E; and Professional Development CEUs are available on Tour M.
Certified Crop Advisors MUST SIGN the sign-up sheets located at the tent where the tour is held to obtain credit.